3 Types Of Christmas Cactus 2023. Schlumbergera Truncata The Schlumbergera truncata (also called the false Christmas cactus or zygocactus) group starts to blooms around thanksgiving till Christmas: Which is from middle November to late December. The difference between these three types of holiday cactus lies in the shape of their leaves and blooming seasons. Christmas cactus (holiday cactus) comes in three main types: Schlumbergera truncata, Schumbelgera bridgesii and Rhipsalidopsis gaertnerii. There are three different types of holiday cactus varieties: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. Traditionally, a Christmas cactus is either Schlumbergera bridgesii or a hybrid Schlumbergera x buckleyi. Each one is named after the holiday that's around the time when the flowers normally bloom, but that's not the only way to identify the kind that you have. All three plants are native to Brazil. Below I'll talk about each one in detail.
3 Types Of Christmas Cactus 2023. Christmas cactus (holiday cactus) comes in three main types: Schlumbergera truncata, Schumbelgera bridgesii and Rhipsalidopsis gaertnerii. Most often, the Christmas tree has red flowers. Look at when the flowers bloom, the way the flower blooms, and the shape of the stems and leaves. The Christmas and Thanksgiving plants share a genus, but the Easter cactus is in the genus Rhipsalidopsis or Hatiora. With their vibrant blooms and stunning display, it's no wonder that they have become a must-have for many people during Christmas time. 3 Types Of Christmas Cactus 2023.
A few times, they might even bloom till January, depending on the variety of cactus you have.
Each type acquires distinct features that make them different from each other.
3 Types Of Christmas Cactus 2023. Most often, the Christmas tree has red flowers. Of course, you can grow it throughout all seasons and it will bloom during winter. Traditionally, a Christmas cactus is either Schlumbergera bridgesii or a hybrid Schlumbergera x buckleyi. This one blooms more at Thanksgiving than it does at Christmas time, and it can change colors depending on sun exposure. Did you know that there are Easter, Thanksgiving, AND Christmas cacti?
3 Types Of Christmas Cactus 2023.